2019 上海交通大学
留学生预科招生简章 (English version included) 一、预科简介 上海交通大学留学生预科项目是上海交通大学面向外国留学生设置的本科学前预备教育。预科项目针对留学生特点量身定制,留学生可根据需要,在语言、专业及跨文化沟通能力上得到提升,为未来的大学学习打下扎实的基础。 预科培训包含两个不同的项目: A 招生对象为有较好汉语基础(HSK 4≧180或同等汉语水平)、需要进一步提高汉语、英语、数学等学科水平以达到本科入学要求的留学生。 B
二、 申请资格 1、须为持有外国有效护照的非中国籍公民 2、原中国大陆(内地)、香港、澳门和台湾居民后移民国外者,我校执行《教育部教外来【2009】83号文》 3、年龄不超过23周岁 4、具有相当于中国高中毕业或以上学历,身心健康 三、课程设置 项目A 2019年9月入学(具体以录取通知书为准),课程分为两个学期,共28周,第一学期18周,第二学期10周,具体安排为: 点击查看大图 项目B 2019年3月入学(具体以录取通知书为准),课程分为三个学期,共43周,第一学期15周,第二学期18周,第二学期10周,具体安排为: 点击查看大图 注:培养方案会根据上海交通大学2020年本科招生政策及学生程度进行调整。 四、师资队伍 依托上海交通大学的教学、科研优势,留学生预科项目的任课教师均经过慎重挑选,具有开阔的国际视野、扎实的专业水平、丰富的教学经验,素质高、能力强。 五、上课地点 上海交通大学七宝校区 地址:上海市闵行区七莘路2678号 六、申请材料及申请费 申请材料 1、高中毕业证书或同等学历证明书原件(应届毕业生可先提供学校开具的预期毕业证明原件。若被录取,必须在入学时补验毕业证书及其复印件,如不能提供,将被取消入学资格) 2、高中阶段全部课程及其成绩单或同等学历课程及成绩单原件 3、护照复印件1份及护照尺寸照片2张 4、本人自述一份及推荐信一封,需中文或英文 5、获奖证书及其他支撑性材料及申请费 除此之外: 6、申请项目A的学生需提供HSK4级180分(或以上)成绩证书或同等资格证明 7、截至报到注册日当天,不满18周岁者,需提供监护人保证书 * 若材料1和2为中英文以外文本的证书,还需提供权威公证机构或所在国使领馆公证过的中文或英文翻译件。 申请费 人民币800元(约合120美元,网上支付) 注:不论录取与否,申请材料和申请费不予退还。 七、 申请流程 1、登录http://apply.sjtu.edu.cn,按提示注册账号,进入网申系统 2、选择上海交通大学留学生预科项目报名 3、支付申请费:人民币800元 4、经审核通过后获得项目预录取资格的学生须预支付相应的学费,并在网申系统中按提示操作,同时还须按提示寄送纸质版的申请材料,收件地址为:上海市法华镇路535号上海交通大学长宁校区主楼425室上海交通大学留学生预科办公室 5、申请材料通过复核后的学生,由上海交通大学留学生发展中心签发正式的《录取通知书》和《外国留学人员来华签证申请表》 6、学生持有效签证按照录取通知书规定的时间和地点报到注册 *成绩特别优异的学生经学校考评认可后可申请插班入读,具体申请条件请咨询招生负责老师。 八、 申请截止日期 项目A:2019年8月30日 第二学期插班生:2020年1月15日 项目B:2019年3月15日 第二学期插班生:2019年8月30日 第三学期插班生:2020年1月15日 九、学费 学费: 项目A:人民币42,800元 第二学期插班费用:人民币26,800元 项目B:人民币52,800元 第二学期插班费用:人民币42,800元 第三学期插班费用:人民币26,800元 十、奖学金 预科奖学金每学期均有发放,具体按照预科奖学金政策执行。 十一、住宿与管理 * 上海交通大学为留学生预科学生统一预留宿舍,安排入住七宝校区。 * 男生宿舍:三人间/五人间 700元/月(含水电费,公共卫浴) * 女生宿舍:四人间 800元/月(含水电费,独立卫浴) * 教学楼与宿舍楼内实行封闭式管理。 十二、补充说明 * 项目A、B的每班最低开班人数为10人,如人数未满,则不予开班,同时返还报名费。 * 上海交通大学保留预科生有关政策的最终解释权。 2019 SJTU Pre-University Program for International Students Pre-University Program of Shanghai JiaoTong University(abbreviated as SJTU)is designed for international students. In this program, international students can enhance their language skills, academic performance, and cultural adaptability as needed, and thus lay a solid foundation for their further undergraduate study. Pre-University Program A and Pre-University Program B are staged respectively. A This program is designed for students who have already reached a good level of Chinese language proficiency (HSK 4≧180 or equivalent) but need remediation of academic subjects of Chinese, English and Mathematics to meet the requirements of SJTU undergraduate admissions. B This program is suitable for students who do not possess any Chinese language skills but perform well in other subjects.Students are given intensive Chinese language training. They can also make further progress in English, Mathematics and other subjects to meet the requirements of SJTU undergraduate admissions. II Eligibility 1. Non-Chinese citizens holding foreign passport 2. For applicants of Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan who have immigrated to other countries, SJTU implements relevant administrative rules and regulations on international students issued by the Ministry of Education of the PRC 3. Aged under 23 (until the registration day) 4. Healthy graduates of senior high school (or above) III Curriculum Program A Registration will start in September, 2019 (the specific time will be informed on the admission notice). A two-semester on-campus study will last for 28 weeks in total with 18 weeks in the first semester and 10 weeks in the second one. click to enlarge Program B Registration will start in March, 2019 (the specific will be informed on the admission letter). A three-semester on-campus study will last for 43 weeks in total with 15 weeks inthe first semester, 18 weeks in the second semester and 10 weeks in the third one. click to enlarge Note: The curriculum is subject to changes according to 2020 SJTU Undergraduate Recruitment Policy as well as students’ academic achievements. IV Faculty Based on Shanghai Jiao Tong University’s advantages of teaching and research, the instructors of pre-university programs are elaborately selected with international vision, academic excellence and rich experience. V Campus Qibao Campus of Shanghai Jiao Tong University Address: 2678 Qixin Rd, Minhang District, Shanghai, China VI Application Documents&fees Application Documents 1. Original senior high school diploma or equivalent (Graduating students should provide an official statement serving as proof of graduation; If admitted, students shall bring the original diploma and submit the photocopy for the verification purpose. Failure to submit required documents will result in the cancellation of student’s enrollment status) 2. Official transcripts of the applicant’s high school study or equivalent, including courses taken 3. 1 photocopy of passport and 2 photos of the same size as the ones in passport 4. Personal statement and recommendation letter in Chinese or English 5. Awards, certificates and other supportive materials Besides, applicants should submit the following documents if they are 6. Program A candidate: HSK examination score report (level 4 or above) or equivalent certificate 7. Applicants under 18 years old (until the registration day) should provide a Guardian's Letter of Guarantee * The first two documents should be notarized by an authorized institution if they are in languages other than Chinese/English. Application Fee (Non-refundable) CNY 800 (approx. USD 120, pay online) NOTE: Whether the applicant is admitted or not, his or her application fee and documents will not be returned. VII Application Procedures IX Tuition 1. Visit http://apply.sjtu.edu.cn, register a new account according to the instruction, then log in to the online application system; 2. Select the Pre-University Program of Shanghai Jiao Tong University to apply; 3. Pay the application fee of CNY 800; 4. Applicant who gets admitted by Shanghai Jiao Tong University will need to prepay certain amount of tuition, and makes a confirmation in the online application system. The applicant also needs to mail hard copies of application materials to the following address: SJTU Pre-University Program Office, 4th Floor, The Main Building, 535 Fahuazhen Rd, Changning Campus, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China (Zip code 200052) 5. After the final review of the admitted student’s documents, the admission letter and visa application form (JW202) will be issued to the admitted student; 6. Applicant should apply for student visa and come to SJTU to register at the required location within time limit. * If an academically qualified candidate misses one or two semester study, he or she can be enrolled in the following semester(s) upon the evaluation of SJTU. For more information, please contact recruitment teachers. VIII Application Deadline Program A: August 30, 2019 Application for semester2: January 15, 2020 Program B: March 15, 2019 Application for semesters2&3: August 30, 2019 Application for semester3: January 15, 2020 IX Tuition Program A: CNY 42,800 Tuition for semester 2: CNY 26,800 Program B: CNY 52,800 Tuition for semesters 2&3: CNY 42,800 Tuition for semester 3: CNY 26,800 X Scholarship The pre-university scholarship will be awarded every semester following the scholarship policy. The accommodation will be arranged by SJTU on Qibao campus. Male dormitory: triple/five room 700 yuan/month(water and electricity fee included, public bathroom) Female dormitory: quadruple room 800 yuan/month(water and electricity fee included, independent bathroom) Closed management is implemented in the teaching building and dormitory buildings. XII Miscellaneous The minimum size of Program A/B is 10 students. If the number cannot be reached, the class will be cancelled and the fees will be refunded. Shanghai Jiao Tong University reserves the rightof final explanation of all the policies related to pre-university program. Contact School of Continuing Education, Shanghai Jiao Tong University